Bible Companion App
We strongly recommend you download the "Bible Companion" app, from where you can access Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings, Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at
Glad Tidings magazine is published monthly and is available on https://www.gladtidingsmagazine.org
- Free Online Bible courses available at BibleEd.com :
1. Introduction to Bible Basics
This interactive Bible Study Course consists of twelve studies, and is designed to help you gain a basic understanding of what the Bible teaches and how you can share in the advantages of being a Christian.
At the end of each study, there are some questions for you to answer. A personal tutor will review your answers and also respond to any questions you may have.
2. Learn to Read the Bible Effectively
The Bible is the book that has influenced the whole course of history. It continues to influence millions of people today. It is the book in which God speaks to you.
But it is a book that many people find hard to read. It can be frustrating, confusing, boring or simply overwhelming. In this course, we shall consider how to read the Bible effectively, so that its ancient message is exciting and relevant to us today.
3. God's Master Plan
God's Master Plan is the central theme of the Bible. Our investigation into this plan will cover two important areas:
- · The first area deals with the fundamental concepts of this plan known as the good news or the gospel.
- The second area focuses on the practical obedience required of those wanting to share in God's Master Plan.
At the end of each study, there are some questions for you to answer. A personal tutor will review your answers and also respond to any questions you may have.
Access the Bible courses now on BibleEd.com
Free online Bible course 'This is your Bible' : available at: https://thisisyourbible.com