When you make a promise you are asking someone to trust you. If you keep that promise you build trust; if you break that promise you destroy trust.
Faith is confidence that we can trust God. It is the conviction that what God says is true and that what He promises will come to pass.
God has made many promises in His Word.
He promised Eve she would have a descendant who would overcome sin; He promised Abraham that he would become a great nation, that through him all nations of the world would be blessed and that his descendants would inherit the Promised land; he promised David he would have a descendant who would be heir to his throne and would reign forever; He promised Mary she would bear His Son who would save the world; He has promised that one day His Son will return and the world will once again be restored to its original harmony and beauty; He has promised that He will always be with us.
“He (God) made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.”
(Psalm 146:6 New Living Translation)
We can trust His promises.